NIKE Entering the Metaverse
Nike has recently filed trademark applications to address the new virtual world. In October and November 2021, Nike filed trademark applications for several marks for use in “online virtual worlds” including: (1) NIKE, (2) AIR [...]
The Lokator Pitching Academy was recently granted U.S. Patent No. US 11,117,035 B2 for a computer vision system for collecting and analyzing baseball pitching data. The technology can identify virtual pitching targets using a smart [...]
NIKE, ADIDAS and the Race for Human Performance
It appears that sports giants Nike and Adidas have an interest in monitoring performance of athletes wearing their shoes and cloths, especially now that such monitoring can be performed remotely while maintaining comfort to the [...]
Take Me Out to the Ballgame
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has made available an article under the above title discussing patents and trademarks in the field of baseball. The article can be viewed here: The article is [...]
Lokator Pitching Academy Provides Advancements in Developing and Tracking Baseball Pitch Location
Steve Stemle, owner of Lokator Pitching Academy, New Albany, Indiana, has invented advanced baseball pitch location technology that should be used by anyone serious about pitch location, tracking pitches and pitch development. Stemle, a former [...]
Sportvision, Inc et al v. MLB Advanced Media L.P.
Most fans of major league baseball are used to seeing the virtual strike zone feature during televised games. Earlier this year, SportsMedia Technology Corp (SMT) filed a lawsuit against MLB Advanced Media, Major League Baseball’s interactive and [...]